Controls :

Arrow keys to move, SPACEbar to jump
R to restart at the level, T and then R to change level.

You have a limited number of SPACEbar presses per level (not jumps, spacebar presses (that's where the gameplay comes from lol))

"You are someone, somewhere. You have to go somewhere else. But careful not to die else you'll be dead".


Made for Ludum Dare 54 (link to the game's page on the LD website :


Game (download) 27 MB

Install instructions

Either play on Browser directly, or install and extract the zip, and launch the .exe


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you can hold Spacebar to continue jumping indefinitely, is that intentional ? 

Yep, that is actually the main mechanic ! In levels, you have to stop pressing space to stop jumping at some points else you can't progress in the game, so you have to plan where you are going to not use too much spacebar presses or else well, you die. You can't complete any level, even the tutorial, if you don't use spacebar for multiple jumps. Good luck, tell me if you manage to beat the game !